BLEACH Brave Souls Wiki
BLEACH Brave Souls Wiki

Setting two or three specific characters in the same team will trigger a special boost for all team members. Tap a team name to see which character can be used to trigger the effect.

Another two character bonus is: Noitora and nelliel= two beasts

3-Character Effects[]

Team Effect
5★ Status-Mini-Stamina STA +20, Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team made up of 5★ characters.
4★ Status-Mini-Stamina STA +15, Status-Mini-Attack ATK +7
A team made up of 4★ characters.
3★ Status-Mini-Stamina STA +10, Status-Mini-Attack ATK +5
A team made up of 3★ characters.
Terrible Ambition Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10, Status-Mini-Spiritual Pressure SP +10
A team made up of the one who will stand at the top and his closest allies.
Lieutenants Status-Mini-Stamina STA +20, Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team made up of 13 Court Guards Squads lieutenants.
Captains Status-Mini-Stamina STA +20, Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team made up of 13 Court Guards Squads captains.
Rescuers Status-Mini-Stamina STA +20, Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team made up of characters who set out to rescue Rukia.
Visored Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10, Status-Mini-Defense DEF +10
A team made up of Visored.
Grimmjow's Fracciónes Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10, Status-Mini-Defense DEF +10
A team made up of Grimmjow's Fracciónes.
Soul Reaper Academy Class of 2066 Status-Mini-Stamina STA +20
A team made up of 2066 graduates from the Soul Reaper Academy.

Even if you don't have the necessary characters to trigger one of the effects above, you can still trigger one of the effects below. You cannot trigger both an effect listed above and one listed below at the same time.

Team Effect
Arrancar Status-Mini-Attack ATK+5
A team made up of Arrancar.
Soul Reapers Status-Mini-Stamina STA +5
A team made up of Soul Reapers.

2-Character Effects[]

2-character effects trigger regardless of the rarity or Attribute of the characters.

Team Effect
Squad 6 Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team contains two Squad 6 members.
What Is a Heart? Status-Mini-Focus FCS +10
A team contains Ulquiorra and Orihime.
The Internal Struggle Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team contains a certain character and the Hollow inside them.
Unconditional Loyalty Status-Mini-Stamina STA +15
A team contains two members bound by absolute loyalty.
Memory of a Vow Status-Mini-Spiritual Pressure SP +10
A team contains two characters with a complicated past.
Where the Heart Lies Status-Mini-Focus FCS +10
A team contains one who gives their heart and one who receives.
Squad 10 Status-Mini-Defense DEF +10
A team contains two two Squad 10 members.
Squad 13 Status-Mini-Defense DEF +10
A team contains two Squad 13 members.
Squad 11 Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team contains two Squad 11 members.
Squad 4 Status-Mini-Spiritual Pressure SP +10
A team contains two Squad 4 members.
Squad 3 Status-Mini-Spiritual Pressure SP +10
A team contains two Squad 3 members.
Squad 5 Status-Mini-Spiritual Pressure SP +10
A team contains two Squad 5 members.
Old Friends Status-Mini-Focus FCS +10
A team contains two characters who have trained together for many years.
Getsuga Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team contains Ichigo and Zangetsu.
Squad 9 Status-Mini-Focus FCS +10
A team contains two Squad 9 members.
Pride of the Kuchikis Status-Mini-Spiritual Pressure SP +10
A team contains a brother and sister.
Research & Development Chiefs Status-Mini-Stamina STA +15
A team contains two Department of Research & Development chiefs.
Pyrotechnicians Status-Mini-Attack ATK +10
A team contains the Rukon District's premier fireworks expert and her younger brother.
Stealth Force Commanders Status-Mini-Focus FCS +10
A team contains two Stealth Force commanders.
Lil' Shiro Status-Mini-Defense DEF +10
A team contains two childhood friends.